Page 5 - How to Create the Perfect Email
P. 5

Lead readers to action

        Utilizing data can help you better understand what works best for driving
        results. Use these data-backed best practices to help you create emails

        that get read and cause readers to take action.

                  Use images, but don’t overdo it

                  Generally speaking, 1-3 images is the sweet spot when it comes to achieving the
                  highest click-through rate. Choose eye-catching images that reinforce the ideas
                  presented in your email as well as your brand.

                              Always include an image description in case an email campaign disables
                        TIP   images.

                  Keep your email copy concise
                  Everyone’s busy and on-the-go, so they’re likely going to quickly scan your email to
                  see if it’s worth their time to keep reading and take action. Keep your email copy
                  clear and concise to ensure your emails are easy-to-read and lead people to take
                  action. On average, emails with 20 lines of text or less (or about 1,200 characters)
                  see the highest click-through rates.

                  Include one primary call to action
                  Your call to action should promote the goal of your email. If you want to increase
                  site traffic your call to action should direct readers to your website. The call to action
                  should be one of the first things people see when they open your email. Position
                  your main link toward the top of your email so it’s visible without the reader having
                  to scroll to read more.

                              Adding more than 5-7 links (excluding links to social media bios) has a minimal
                        TIP   impact on click-through rate. Emails with 1-3 links see the highest numbers of
                              clicks per link.

                  Include relevant social media links
                  Even if your email doesn’t have a specific call to action, you should include links to
                  your other online presences (website, blog, social media) to extend your audience
                  reach. Get them to visit your channels and dive into what your brand is about.

           Need help getting inspired? Check out our AI content
           generator and create stellar copy in no time.

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